How old is Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso? When is Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's birthday? Where is Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso born? Where did Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso grow up from? What's Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's age?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Born: January 14, 1975 (age 48years), Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
Is Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso married? When did Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso get married? Who's Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's married to? (Who's Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's husband / wife)?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Spouse: Danile Sassou Nguesso (m. 2007)
How about Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's parents?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Parents: Denis Sassou Nguesso, Lily Kaniki
How about Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's education?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Education: School Military Prparatoire Gnral Leclerc
How about Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's nationality?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Nationality: Congolese
How about Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso's grandparent?
Denis-Christel Sassou Nguesso Grandparent: Julien Nguesso, milienne Mouebara
How old is sassou Nguesso?
Formal independence was granted in August 1960. Congo's first President was Fulbert Youlou, a former Catholic priest from the Pool region in the southeast. He rose to political prominence after 1956, and was narrowly elected President by the National Assembly at independence.
Who is the first president of Congo Brazzaville?
Formal independence was granted in August 1960. Congo's first President was Fulbert Youlou, a former Catholic priest from the Pool region in the southeast. He rose to political prominence after 1956, and was narrowly elected President by the National Assembly at independence.